...e esgravata.

sexta-feira, 13 de março de 2009

deo gratias!

"TUKAANI eating device" vs "chopsticks" tradicionais.

«The sterling silver TUKAANI is a hand made eating device for Asian food consumers in the West. It may be held as traditional chopsticks. But unlike the disposable wooden chopsticks, TUKAANI is hand washable and much easier to set on – and use at table. The matt surface and taut movement allow steady grip in the hand. The curl at the end of the TUKAANI provides eased food picking and delivery to the mouth. The loop also allowseasier hanging, storage and display. The Toucan’s bill provided inspiration for this cutlery project. For you to get priority over other clients in the queue, we are accepting pre-orders at no extra charge. Contact us for any inquiries or to make your pre-order.»

+info aqui.

Posto isto, apraz-me anunciar ao mundo que a minha triste figura nas lateS nightS sushiS está com os dias contados!



Maestro Helmut Rilling, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart (1991).
["Hallelujah" do Oratório d' O Messias, composto por Georg Friedrich Händel]

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armário.roupeiro: cabides.

jaz.mim_tu... aqui, deixara de o ser.

à espreita de fa|c|to & gravata.
